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US: Judge will hold reporter in contempt if she refuses to disclose sources
in anthrax case
WASHINGTON (AP) - A U.S. federal judge says he will hold a former USA
Today reporter in contempt if she continues refusing to identify sources for
stories about a former Army scientist under scrutiny in the 2001 anthrax
attacks. At a hearing Tuesday, U.S. District Judge Reggie B. Walton said that
reporter Toni Locy must cooperate with Steven J. Hatfill in his lawsuit
against the government. Hatfill is suing the Justice Department, saying the
agency violated the federal Privacy Act by giving the media information about
the FBI's investigation of him. In addition to Locy, the judge is considering
whether to find former CBS reporter James Stewart in contempt of a court
order requiring the reporters' cooperation in the lawsuit. Locy also is a
former reporter for The Associated Press.

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